1.Two - three cups of sugar
2. one cup of coca
3. Cup a little less salt quarter tea-spoon
4. Corn Starch quarter cup
5. half a cup of milk
6. Egg four yolks
7. butter two tables - Spoon
8. Chocolate
9. Four ounces to smithereens.
Medium-sized pot of sugar,
Coca powder, and salt Corn Starch
Take wave. The small amounts of milk
Mix the egg yolks.
Stay stirs well. The
Let simmer on medium flame for eight minutes. Ignition
One minute shake of the top. Ignition off
Mix the butter and chocolate; shake. This
Pudding on the thin plastic cover
Wrap up with. Three hours to cool.
Poured over a chocolate cup serving
To serve, spread onions.
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